Friday, January 03, 2014


Seriously, I felt better like...December 26th. Not physically better, cause I got a cold. But mentally better. Buh-bye holidays, don't let the door hit you.

Seriously. BYE!!!!

Bring on the -7 high temp, bring on the dark nights and the short days. I love it. MORE.

I have much to do my friends, much to do.

New Years was great. I was sick. We did nothing and I felt better by the 1st. I went to Starbucks early that morning, at like 8AM and sat by the fireplace and worked on the juggernaut exclusively. Giving myself permission to do that.

I believe I've talked on here before about the "bliss of blamelessness" and I really enjoyed it New Years Day. Not even close to hungover, I didn't say anything dumb to anyone, I slept like a baby and didn't feel like shit. I felt great.

Still feel good. I love how the holidays just pass and so does my grief, at least for now. I'm so glad.

John and I have a crazy travel idea. We're working on it....

2013 was a quiet year. Not much happened professionally, I maintained. Sweetie Maude happened, but that was really Sabrina's game, not mine. 2013 was just gathering....2014 is about the motherfucking hunting!

2014! The Year of Hunting!!!!!!

Oh man.

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