Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's Christmas!

I still love it. Y'all can bitch and moan all you like about whatever, but Christmas is FUN. It is, you just have to believe it or everything else will drive you bananas. January is coming everyone and it will be SILENT (yay!) and this is our last hurrah until some mildly warm weekend in April when everyone decides to come out. So enjoy the full social schedule, the cookies, the bad food, the weight gain, the family arguments, the presents you don't want...

Wait, I was arguing for right?

My brother comes into town late tonight. The arrival of my brother Stuart always represents Christmas to me. Always. Even when I was a little girl, that "PETER" commercial from Folger's is my Christmas commercial. It was always Stuart who was saying he couldn't come this year and then would show up at our door at 6PM on Christmas Eve as a surprise.

Stuart is Christmas to me.

So I'm really glad he's coming tomorrow. I have a crazy day tomorrow (TOURS PEOPLE) but after that I can spend time with my family, my mom, my brother, my husband. We leave to visit John's family on Monday and come back Thursday, so there's lots of time with all our families this year.

And, I hate to say it, but I'm happy. The book is going great, my business is much improved, fun, cool things keep popping up to be a part of and my head is FILLED with ideas, thoughts, must dos and it's just really nice. It's nice to be happy and to finally have some of this tour stuff pay off. Granted, I'm not raking in tons of people, but it's way more than the Boystown Tours and I can see that it is growing, and that's all that matters.

I have time to spend with family, time to spend with John's and then I get down into some serious nitty gritty work after the 1st of the year, and I'm looking forward to that, so I don't have dread the end of Christmas either.

Now the goal is to get John into the same kind of headspace. What would happen if we were both happy, financially secure and creatively pleased at the same time? My goodness.

God Bless Us, Every One!

1 comment:

Crescent said...

ah. I love this post. And I love you! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!