Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Other people

There's been a lot of talk lately about people being "in their heads." This has everything to do with everyone's life being a little nutty right now, whether that's good or bad for them, everyone seems a little stressed, a little harried....and everyone is so concerned with making their own lives happen, it seems other people's lives and problems...well, it's not that other people's lives don't matter, it just means that we're all working so hard on our own shit...you get what I mean.

So today I will be advertising my friends shit, because my friends are awesome.

Please check out Dominizuelan's trailer, man, I love these girls and am highly counting on being in their entourage when they're famous...seriously:

Check out their website and you can see their show on Thursdays in July at IO.

Please read my friend Erica's blog. Erica is really honest and awesome and this post about Smile Juanita made me laugh out loud.

My oldest (eldest?) brother has started a video game blog, which is neat, but my brother is closer to 50 than 18, his blog is http://www.agedgamer.com/

A friend from my Chicagoist days is doing something awesome, he's hosting a Chicago Media Conference this Saturday and it looks amazing.

That's about it for now, I'm too in my head to think about anyone else.


Erica said...

Yay! Thanks for the Shout Out!

alcott said...

i love this post. and those gals are funny. i want to see them at IO. so there.

Wendy said...

I've been feeling so out of the loop, since I lost my job, I haven't been reading your blog everyday, and the first one I come back to is a shout out to Dominizuelan and all of your amazing friends, and I am just so proud to call you my friend. Thanks Hixx!