Monday, August 25, 2008

Beer Chaser

Busy here at work today….good thing too. Never know what’s coming around the corner these days. Ugh.

Anyway! Back from our whirlwind weekend!

Saturday I woke up bright and early to meet Harp for breakfast before the chase! We carbo loaded and felt the heat of the day already on us at 7AM. We made our way downtown and over to Daley Plaza, we were way early but that gave us a chance to sit in Daley Plaza by the fountain, one of my favorite places in the city. Some people got up and mumbled impossible directions into the mike and we were off to get smushed by dozens of people, waiting for our list.

There were about 20 things (I dunno, probably more even) that we could do, each one is a clue you have to figure out and you have to do 10 of the things and some of them are mandatory. So we headed off to Wrigleyville and got a great and hilarious start filming people singing, or riding in a rickshaw or whatever. We were hot as balls already and this was our first thing!

We caught the bus (NO CABS ALLOWED) and went to Diversey and Sheffield where we had to walk on stilts in the hottest gym in America. Sabrina did a faceplant but made it! So I had to make it too and caught the first whiff of what I would be like on the Amazing Race (“DO NOT WALK NEXT TO ME WHILE I’M TRYING TO DO THIS”)

we took off then to the zoo and mutha if it wasn’t so freaking hot and we’re running and you see other city chasers running and you get all competitive! The zoo was a time sucker, and we got a little down and hot after that, but then we rallied, caught the bus and stopped at newberry library to shove a snake down our shirts….Sabrina’s biggest fear of the whole thing. She was so brave, and broke down in tears as we went running to the men’s spa where she immediately had her upper lip waxed for the first time! What a trooper.

We left there, returned a light bulb and headed to the southside to move boxes at the UPS facility, then off to tie bow ties (where I started to cry because I was SO hot, in a gross white shirt a million people had worn and could NOT tie a bow tie) and then to the finish line. Badoom!

John had his bachelor party, I assume it was fun because he arrived home around 4AM laughing about how awesome his friends are. He was a little um…slow on the uptake yesterday, but we had a nice day lounging and working.

Tonight I have a rooftop docent party and the rest of the week is busy busy.


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