Thursday, January 03, 2008


I love this week, feels like a Tuesday, but it’s really Thursday. Yay!

Okay, the first I’m So Hot Thursday of 2008! SWEET.


Stupid 148. Really. I mean…I’m not going to knock it because seriously, the way I’ve been eating, the non smoking, the ankle hurting and the not exercising, I could have really shot up in the past month, but I stayed down pretty well and I’m glad for that.

I’m just tired of seeing that number on the scale every day. Let’s see something else people!

For the first time since 12/14 I ran last night! Oh my sweet Jesus. I ran on the treadmill because it was just too cold outside, but man oh man, it felt great. I went at a nice easy pace and just ran for a good 30 minutes. Took it easy, took it slow and it felt great, so good.

I did something crazy too, got myself a podcast of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. I don’t think I’m going to enjoy the podcasts when I run outside (outside I definitely need my jams dude), but I think inside on the treadmill is perfect for the podcast. Music just doesn’t keep my mind engaged enough inside, I got bored very quickly. Outside its great because my mind is on so many other things to keep it occupied. So yeah, that was nice, listening and laughing and running, now I’m all about podcasts, any recommendations?

I’m also trying out a bunch of at home strength stuff, lunges and core stuff and pushups and all that and I did that for about ½ hour while I watched Oprah on the new TV. It was so great; it just felt so good to finally exercise again.

My god, I can’t believe this is me talking.

But I really believe now that it is essential to my mental health. I truly do. I feel different today, I felt different last night, I did a few choresy type things that I couldn’t bring myself to do before…it just changes things for me. So I’m going to keep trying to keep myself healthy and strong so no more injuries.

The not smoking is going pretty well! I thought for sure I would cheat on New Years, I don’t know why, but I thought for sure I would, and I didn’t. So we’re looking at a little over 7 weeks. There are times when I desperately want one, and many times when I don’t. It still feels like I think about them all the time, but I think it is getting less and less. I’m telling you though, going out, drinking, being around people who are doing it, its still the hardest time for me for sure. I find I get very bent out of shape in those situations.

I just got my copy of Ram Daas’ intro to meditation book, he’s very intense. But he’s really interesting because he used to be a psychologist and took all those drugs with Timothy Leary, so its not like he’s a lifelong convert, he was kind of a bad boy first and you get this feeling from him that he’s speaking to you like he knows how regular people are. That he’s not untouchable like other “spiritual” people. He’s really funny and writes like a regular person. We’ll see how the meditation goes. I would like to quiet my mind a bit, but also, I’d really like to work on this conception of “want” in terms of food and cigarettes and all this material want I have.

So things are good, I’m pumped for 2008, I’m excited to keep exercising and I’m excited to do good things for myself.

And most of all, I’m excited that the new half All Stars/Half fan Survivor starts in February! WOWEEEEEE

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