Friday, November 16, 2007


Okay, so just a few updates:

The dinner with friend last night went just fine, he smoked, I watched. I wasn’t jealous, or coveting his smoke, I just felt very detached from said smoke. Weird.

One other thing I should have mentioned yesterday, I’m going to stop weighing myself for a few weeks. It’s really disconcerting this week to watch the pounds pile on. Every single stop smoking thing I read said you WILL gain 3-5 lbs the first week. Mostly in water retention and shock, but … that doesn’t mean I have to watch it happen every morning. I’m doing what I need to do exercise-wise, and I’ll start watching that in a few weeks. Boo, it kinda made me feel crappy this morning. It’s a weird dichotomy, to be doing something so good for yourself, plus the exercising and being “fairly” good about what I’m eating so as to keep myself on an even keel, and then to look down and see the scale..blech.


Survivor Recap Friday! Remember Shane detoxing from smokes on Survivor? That poor guy. Ha.

Okay, so last night kind of felt like filler a little, and that’s about right, for the next few votes it always seems to be about chance a little, who wins immunity, who was going to get it anyway, but a few thoughts.

PG definitely would have gone home last night if she had not won immunity.

How, oh my sweet lord, how do you not fight for immunity, even for CHEESEBURGERS? Seriously though, that seems really stupid, karmically really stupid.

Why did they not get James last night? How do they keep skipping over this guy? He was not expecting it last night at all, it would have been a perfect time to get rid of him. He is walking into the final four, everyone knows he has two immunities, and no one seems interested in getting him out of there. They’re all so wrapped up in their own stuff, they’re not even thinking about it.

What happened at tribal? What’s going to happen? Are they going to have to vote someone else off? JEFF PROBST, what is going on? I do like it when they shock everyone like that, s’funny.

That’s all about all I got for today, it’s been a long week, I’m fat and sleepy.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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