Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm Kinda Hot Thursday

Huh, maybe it should be I'm Really Hot Thursday, cause its hot out, damn hot.

So dancing tonight, I'm so excited for tonight, really excited, I'm excited about mine and Jenny's dance (you might want to leave your cool at home, we got enough for everyone yo)but to see everyone else's is just going to be awesome. I can't wait, I love fun Apes nights like this, when I'm not nervous about my own thing, just excited about doing ours and seeing everyone elses!


Weight: 146 (dang shrimp boil!)
Running Stats: still no idea
Favorite Running Song This Week: Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry (sure, its raunchy, but oh my lord is it runnable)

So yeah, gained a pound or so after the long weekend. I'm willing to take that, I ate a lot, and I ate well, Italian food, shrimp boils...lots of butter and bread. So sue me. Sometimes the pound is worth it, like it was this weekend. Plus, I didn't run as much as I should have.

Okay, I'm going to say something and I know it will come back to bite me in the ass, but man...does running make you feel better or what? You know those moods when you get into them, and you don't want to get out of them? When you're fully enjoying your self-pitying mode and you want to be sad and angry and don't want to feel better? For various reasons my moods this week have been all over the place and on Monday I just couldn't run. I went out even, ran half a block and stopped, and decided to sit down and drink a diet coke and listen to nothing.

The next day my mood remained, but I went running...and I truly felt...better. Could my horrible mood of Monday be due to eating badly and not running? Yes. Could my attempt to keep my bad mood on Tuesday be thwarted by a really nice run? Yes.

So it's more Secret stuff no? It's easy for everything to go right on a day when you feel great, but getting up to run when you feel awful mentally is a hard thing to do, but so much the right thing to do.I think sometimes I personally pretend like it doesn't make me feel better, but when you come back, and your head and heart and body are all a little lighter, there's no way to deny that it makes you feel good.

Even if you don't want it to.

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