Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Want Candy

Hey, don't forget to check the salad blog! Kay?

YAY! I’m really happy, wanna know why?I finally finished the epic, massive and ultimately, completely rewarding “Nature’s Metropolis” by William Cronon. It took me…I dunno…maybe a month to read this sucker? It’s a history of Chicago that I have not learned anywhere else, a huge “tipping point” of how Chicago came to be the city of the west. I learned so much from it I fear I may have to read the dang thing again.

But not anytime soon.

So I happily went to the bookstore to pick out an eye candy book. Something simple, easy and fun. (This is why I wish I had never read A Simple Plan, because that’s the exact book I want to read). So I got The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen Carter. I’ve been waiting for this book in the back of my mind forever. I remember reading about it when it first came out, that it was a great mystery, of the murdered judges and lawyers kind. I like those, all those John Grisham books, Scott Turow books, love love love. Well Carter has a new book out, but who wants to lug around a huge hardcover when its one thousand degrees outside? NOT I. So I got this paperback, and I’m just really excited to dig in and read something that I don’t have to pay much attention to.

Speaking of not paying attention to things, who is excited for the Singing Bee tonight? I AM! People not remembering lyrics to songs? Making up lyrics that they’ve been singing for years? I think it sounds hilarious. Now, we’ll see who does it better, Wayne Brady on Don’t Forget the Lyrics or Joey Fatone on Singing Bee…either way, doesn’t matter, more candy for me.

Oh, and one more thing on TV, I did start watching Burn Notice. Its okay, parts of it are really stupid cheesy, but when he gets into the actual spy work, its pretty fun. But I was really confused when I turned on my Tivo…wondering why in the sam hell it taped some show called Bum Notice. Who put Bum Notice in my Tivo?

Oh yeah…Burn Notice…I get it.

Tivo really puts those letters close together.


Dan Izzo said...

'ello miss, I'm puttin' you on Bum Notice!

Hixx said...

That made me laugh out loud at my desk.

Miss you Izz.