Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Tree

MAN, life just keeps coming doesn't it?

My lil ma was in the hospital today, she has a bladder tumor. And it's not some little tumor apparently. Sigh. Today they were going to just take it out, but it's rooted in there. Sigh.

My poor mom. It's hard for her to go from hospital to place to hospital to whatever. She's so little. She's so tired. And she's cracking up the nurses.

Nurse: "I'm Sally, I'll be your nurse today. "

Mom: "I'm sorry for you Sally."


On the plus side, Evanston Hospital is really nice and they have wifi and taco salads.

On the other plus side, we found out Althestepfather most likely did all the right things for mom, so that's nice to know.

I've been REAL quiet the past couple of weeks. Solitude is preferred these days. Each time I try to talk someone about anything it comes out manic or weird or garbled and they stare at me and ask if I'm okay which is ABSOLUTELY the last question I want to answer.

Yes. I'm totally fine. As long as I can sit in my house and listen to Pandora Broadway.

I'm running, 8 miles today! I'm working, writing, watching TV, walking the dog...only things with W's.

My husband is a freaking rock and the best caretaker. He really is sweet and brings me things I didn't know I wanted or I'll come home to an apartment with all the shades drawn and the electric candles turned on and TV shows lined up on the DVR.

So! I'm good (don't ASK) and I just keep thinking about strength - mental, physical, building it up, getting it, keeping it and what it is exactly.



Melisa Wells said...

Keep your chin up, City Half Hoe Cake.

Crescent said...

shitfire, as my meemaw used to say. as always sending you all my love and then some.