Friday, August 12, 2011


We're all set, Harp and I leave for Vegas two weeks from today.

I'm real excited.

I have dreams about Vegas, I really do. I don't know why, I don't know what it is, past life maybe.

We're staying on Fremont Street in Old Vegas, which I've never done, so that should be fun.

I cannot stress the selflessness my husband exhibited during all of this, letting us use his miles and our money to do this. He's the best.

Tours are going well - ish. I'm starting to get more requests for like...bus tours and stuff. That scares me. I'm a walker. Not a busser.

I have a lot of work to do, my disaster tour starts next week and I'm um...a little behind. But I can do it, just need to put my head down.

This running your own business thing is hard, things keep getting in the way of my priorities, but that's alright, I just can't get done everything that I want when I want.

I met four guys from Canada yesterday on my pedway tour, they were my only 4 so we just ended up walking all around. They were so awesome and interested and they LOVE Chicago, I'm taking them around Old Town today just for fun.

Stay focused, take the next step, prioritize and also....


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