Sunday, July 26, 2009

Writing it down to remember

I just finished my best tour so far.

Seven people, two from Germany, one was their friend from Chicago, two 50 year old women here as a birthday present, one girl from rural Louisiana (but do not judge, smart and funny and extremely well-traveled) and one girl from Canada. Right away it was really casual and since I had two alone ladies, they were chatting it up with everyone.

The tour was going great and we get to Twin Anchors, I'm doing my bits and such and I mention that they made the movie "Return to Me" there. The girl from LA cries out! It's one of her favorite movies, she and her sisters watch it all the time. We all decide to go in so she can see it, she's amazed and a little teary-eyed. So great.

We all have fun and they're so receptive and fun. After the tour the two alone girls and the two friends decide they're all going to Twin Anchors for dinner together. I LOVE IT! I decide to go meet them for a beer after I pick up my stuff. I walk in and they're so happy. We chat and laugh and we all talk and ask each other questions. I hear the girl who loves "Return to Me" call someone and say every tour guide's dream sentence "Guess where I am?" I left after a beer and left my $5 on the table, they all so "no no" and that they've got it, but I leave it there anyway.

I just discovered one of them put the $5 back in my purse without me seeing it.

Fantastic. This is work? Really? I get paid for this?

Done and done.


rebar said...

That story just put a huge smile on my face. So proud of you, for rolling the dice and making this happen, lady.

Erica said...

Amazing! That is wonderful! I love it!

I am proud of you, too!