Monday, November 12, 2007

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'EM

Whew, okay, bear with me a little bit, Hixx is all over the place.

Alright, for the last and FINAL TIME, I am quitting smoking. I am ready, I am done, I am scared of what I’ve done in the past and excited to be done for the future. I’ve got the running, which I’m so happy about and can’t wait to do tonight. I’m getting married, and John hates smoking and I cannot let him marry a smoker. I’m almost 40 for godsakes; let’s grow up a little bit shall we?

So yeah, today is the first day. I’m good…I promised myself I wouldn’t martyr myself over this, not make it any worse than it has to be…the same old shit. But I just wanted people to know it was happening and it might show up on the blog! And honestly, I’m starting to feel very…shaky…like…anxious shaky, and my fingers can’t type as quickly as I feel they should, which is the speed of light at this point. So…anyway, if I stop making sense or seem to be all over the place…bear with me. I’ll be done by Thursday!

Okay, a few other things:

1. I have just read that Damages has been renewed for TWO MORE SEASONS! Is that the greatest news you’ve heard all day or what? Yeehaw to the Grandma.

2. Norman Mailer died? How did I not read this until about five minutes ago? I haven’t read a ton of Norman Mailer, but he did write a book that changed my life and the way I think about things, The Executioner’s Song. To say I love that book sounds strange, its not really a book to love, but I’ll never forget reading it for the first time and the impact the story of Gary Gilmore had on me and my politics, its still a very confusing issue for me because of that story…and I just…I dunno.

3. Normally I just listen to my ipod during my runs, but lately, I’ve been walking around and using them outside of just working out. And I really have a hard time containing myself on the train or just walking around. How is it I don’t see more people jamming out on their respective music players? People always seem so calm and composed…maybe they’re not listening to the “rockin’” tunes like I am…maybe they’re listening to classical music while I’m kickin’ it to the song stylings of Justin Timberlake and Hanson.

That’s all, I gotta go and do something else, wish me luck everyone.


Dennis Frymire said...

If it makes you feel any better, I saw a fat, white guy on the L the other day rocking out to Britney.

Good luck on quitting.


Crescent said...

You can do it! If I can do it anyone can. Just take it day by day and before you know it you will be nicotine free and will feel so great about yourself.

smussyolay said...

ask the universe for help on the smoking thing. it helps.

i rock out to music on headphones unabashedly. who cares?

i am so grateful for our architecture, vis. so grateful.

Hixx said...

Thanks so much everyone for all the help and advice and support. You guys are the best.

I want to see a fat white guy rocking out to Britney. I'm going to ask the universe for help on that!

You guys rule.