I have a politics question that is obviously bugging me.
And it’s about John Stroger.
John Stroger is our Cook County President and he had a massive stroke on the 14th or the 15th of March (not sure which).
And of course, Election Day was yesterday.
And what is so painful and what I don’t really understand, but also don’t pretend to, is why is he still running? I know it’s a week before, but let’s not kid ourselves folks, he’s not coming back.
I saw one of his son’s on the television last night, he was mentioning that his father knew which day it was (which is more than I can say for mom, seriously) and when he asked his father what day it was, Stroger said “election day”.
No one is saying much, but the doctors are saying that it was a “serious” stroke, and from what I know of it, ain’t no bouncing back from a serious stroke.
It’s just so sad and so…sad. To see the ads running, to be following the results of the election (which due to our new-fangled machines, I still can’t find a final result on) and knowing in my heart of hearts, this guy has enough to fix, he’s not coming back.
On another note, I HATE MY GYM. I hate it so much it makes me want to cry. You can’t get on machines, you can’t get a locker, everyone is pushy and stands in front of doorways and leans on machines you want to use.
I’m trying out the YMCA, which I know won’t be better, but maybe, just maybe it’s less annoying.
Trixies and Chads, bite me.
Okay and one last nice thing going on, my best friend Harp and her friend are coming in tomorrow to come see me. We’re gonna sing karaoke and chat and eat and laugh.
See? It’s not all a horrible stroked out, gym sucked out mess.
Nice comments, I enjoyed them.
Why thanks!
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