Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Linz it

First off, lemme just say, it is definitely colder than a witches tit out here. Definitely.

Second off, lemme just say, American Beauty is still one of the greatest movies ever made.

Third off, lemme just discuss The Linz brothers.

The Linz brothers are on the Amazing Race family edition. And they are 3 brothers running the race with their sister Meg. So, as to my family condition, and it is a condition, I loved the Linz family. Me and my brothers could never do it, so it’s fun to watch this sister and her 3 brothers do it.

What is fascinating about the Linz brothers is that they all look exactly the same. You cannot tell which is the oldest and which is the youngest Linz. You cannot tell “bill” Linz from “peter” Linz or “bobby” Linz. I have no idea which Linz is which. They are all extremely good looking, they are just bland enough to be able to tell that, but you cannot see the difference in the 3 of them at all. I am sure that the Linz brothers were fodder for many a young girls dream in high school, all 3 of them, because again, you cannot distinguish between the Linz brothers.

The LB’s also say words like “sweet” and “badass” and “awesome” and “that mountain is sick” and “that ravine is insane”

Now, I don’t know if I want the Linz brothers to win, let’s just say that Amazing Race family edition sucks it, with a big stick, but I watch because it’s still the Amazing Race and I am loyal. But if the Linz’ don’t win, the only other family that will is the family of sisters who are the exact female versions of the Linz’s.

I have a very busy life.

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