Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here's to the ladies who lunch

Well, I leave here early today to go to my mom’s going away party. I’ve gotten a lot of sympathy looks that I have to hang out with my mom and her older lady friends.

However, these ladies are the most bawdy, loudest, craziest ladies ever. I’m excited to be there and really glad I can be there for mom, who is the sweetest lady on the planet.

I too went out with my lady friends last night, and just enjoyed myself immensely. I learned that we all hate our jobs, hate them. That we all want to run away. That we all don’t talk about men all the time. (The question was once asked “So how is it living with John? And before I got a word in it was dropped in favor of discussing the break up of Jen Scheft and Billy Dec). And that basically we’re all scared and have no idea what’s going on.

So yay to the ladies who lunch…well…dinner.

I’m feeling much better today, and don’t care about any stupid jobs! With the realization that I get a raise in September and the other realization that I will probably be here for awhile yet, I’m trying to settle back in, be happy I have a job at all and one that is not so bad with the exception of every Indian man with a long name calling in.

It could be worse.

Or…I could be Tara Reid, who despite being talentless and getting paunchy, seems to have the best job in the entire world. I watched “Wild on Tara Reid” last night and it became my new favorite in the space of 10 seconds. This girl gets to go to some beautiful place, with her friends (she calls it her “crew”) and gets to play, eat, drink, dance and do whatever she wants.

And I loved it.

Last night she was in Greece, in Athens and happened to run into Paris Hilton. So I got to watch them sit and eat and flirt and say the stupidest things and it was just awesome.

Just a tad better than Dlist celebrity with Kathy Griffin, which is on at the same time.

Winter’s coming.

TV is coming.

Life goes on.

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