Monday, July 11, 2005

Teenage Witches

Oh my.

Oh my.

I’m so very old.

I just can’t do it like I used to. I just can’t.

My best friend in the world Sabrina was/is here and I imbibed way too much in way too many things.

Not that it wasn’t fun mind you, it was a blast. But I feel horrible today. Over fed and over drank and over everything (especially over work, hahahahahahahahah). But yeah.

We saw two really old friends of ours on Friday night and that was the best thing ever. Good friends of Sabrina’s who just happen to be in town. It was a great night filled with hugs and old friends and new friends and a good bar (the Long Room on Irving) and the most beautiful/horrible piece of gossip I’ve ever had. Seriously, this gossip is the best gossip I think I have EVER gotten. However, as is the case with gossip of this caliber, I cannot open my mouth. And I shall not, the world will find out soon enough!

Then Saturday I won tickets to Lollapalooza at the Folk Music Festival at Welles Park. And Saturday night we hung at the Town Hall with friends and I had a blood orange cosmopolitan, it was most delicious! After dancing and the bar video game it was alas time to go, at 5:30 in the morning! Seriously, I don’t do that when Sabrina is not here. I was a little impressed with myself.

I managed to get up for my tour that afternoon with a rather unattractive family who tried to stump me on architecture facts. The best one was a question about how influenced Frank Lloyd Wright was by Sullivan. Well we know I had just finished my section of Master Builders about FLW and I gotta say, I really kinda put this guy in his place. The best part was there was a concert in the Cultural Center, which is the most beautiful building in the city, we all stood there, Sabrina, this family and myself, and listened to the beautiful music in this beautiful building, it was quite moving actually.

Friday night, when I saw my old friends, one of them is a traveler. He works here in the city in the summers and then goes traveling for the winter. I let him know it was a bad time to be talking to me, as my fantasies of Thailand had been simmering under the surface. He let me know of all the beauty he has seen, all the friends he has made, all the amazing things he’s learned, and how deceptively simple it all is. I truly wonder in those moments, and the ones at 8:00 in the morning on Mondays, why the hell I live my life the way I do. I have a nice life, I do, but the daily struggle to make ends meet so I can continue on with the daily struggle is just…well, fruitless.

So I’m motivated again, to try and make a truly happy life for myself here, to see if I can have the things I love here, without feeling trapped and confined. If I cannot do this, or if I fail, I will gather up my things and go to Bangkok. And from there, I will figure out the rest.

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