Tuesday, July 07, 2009

You just never know...

I just got a VERY interesting phone call...we'll see what comes of it, but it could possibly fix just about everything in my universe...not that I put all my eggs in one basket or anything.

We're going camping this weekend, does anyone have any recommendations? We want about 2-3 hours away.

I'm a little harried.

Can you tell?

Is it Friday?

Will my landlord please call me back regarding our old apartment?

Is it going to rain?

Oh geez.

Why am I even writing this?

I dunno?

I'll just go...you guys just continue on as you were...


rebar said...

Starved Rock is pretty nice, if you've never been. I'm trying to remember the name of the nearby campground we stayed at (it's near Lake Shabana - I'll try to look it up.)

We fished near our campsite and then drove over to SR to go hiking on the trails.

I'm trying to remember the name of the campground in WI we stayed at - they had canoe rentals and fishing...and it was just a bit over the state line, if I recall.

Let me ask my old camp leader. He always made the plans and I just showed up with my fishing line and smores fixins.

Erin said...

Bong is great. They have bathrooms and everything. HIGHLY recommend!

Anonymous said...

Let me ask my old camp leader. He always made the plans and I just showed up with my fishing line and smores fixins.

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