Thursday, February 15, 2007

Prince Remo

One of the great mysteries of my life – and you can see how mysterious my life actually is from this – is where and what was Remo before we got him?

When we got Remo, the tiny piece of paper describing his history said three things:

1. He’s was eleven months old when we got him. (which our vet disputes, she thinks he’s older)

2. That he was in the City pound for a week before we got him. (which I hate even thinking about, our poor little man in a cage, being called “Sargento”)

3. That he was labeled as an “akita mix”. (we thought maybe the other part was dalmation because of his spots).

But who did he live with before he came with us? How did he not know “sit” and “stay” when he was a year old? Why do John and I both think he was raised with cats because of the way he stretches and his almost purr? Why was he still such a happy, unafraid dog if he was living with someone who eventually didn’t want him? See how many questions I have?

Well it seems one question has been answered, or really close to answered. A friend of mine came into work the other day yelling about the Westminster Dog Show and how she saw Remo on it. I asked her if it was an Akita…no she says. Border Collie? No…

She sends me a link for a dog called a “Canaan”.

John and I are sold; Remo is mostly a Canaan dog, no doubt about it. Please to compare photographs.







Neat huh? Of course it doesn't matter what my little pup is, but its great fun to see that there is a dog out there that looks just like ours. That he's grounded in something is cool.

And like John said, it's like we just found out our adopted son is actually a prince.


Crescent said...

one time in college I met the son of my cat Ava. That was a trip. It was totally random too but confirmed once the owner and I talked.

But the son had some chest congestion and coughed on me and then tried to eat my face didn't go all that well. But's weird to learn the pasts of your animewls.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how scrawny he is in that picture on the porch. We've fattened him up good.

smussyolay said...

i would like to pet your snout. (that sounds so bad. but it isn't.)