Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A few pop cultury updates:

I saw Lady in the Water. And although I didn’t love it, I didn’t hate it either. I thought the writing was quite good. I thought the actors were above good. And I laughed out loud more than a few times, and I was even by myself, so that’s a good sign for M. Night. He was definitely too heavy handed in his story of the wounded humans who are at war with themselves, and Bryce scares me, but besides that, I had a pretty enjoyable time watching it, and would put it as his second best, right behind 6th Sense. Oh, also, M. Night wasn’t terrible. He had a pretty big role and I thought he did okay, although it was disconcerting, just because you knew that was him the whole time. But you can’t go wrong with a cast of Paul Giamatti, Bob Balaban and Bill Irwin.

How can it be that Chef Ramsey can get away with calling women “fat cows” on TV? Don’t get me wrong, I have the same bizarre fascination with Hells Kitchen as I do with The Hills, (meaning I love it), but seriously, why aren't women’s groups not all over this guy? Yelling at women to get their boobs off his hot plate? And telling one woman over and over what a fat cow she is? Amazing. Only Chef Ramsey everyone, only Chef Ramsey.

Did you hear the news? He did it! Heath Ledger is the new Joker. I hear lots of people complaining, but they don’t know Heath like I know Heath. He’s the new Gary Oldman; he can be whatever he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants. It’ll be even better if the Joker gets to go naked and has to come to Chicago naked and do interviews with the Chicagoist Books and Literature contributors, naked.

Sorry baby, I still loves you the most.

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