Tuesday, June 20, 2006

With a Capital T That Rhymes with P and That Stands for....

Whoa! Today has been fascinating on a million different levels.

This morning when I walked into work everyone was abuzz. What was happening? Why all the chit chatter?

Well my friends, after our move down to the third floor, the purchase of our VERY fancy furniture and chairs, the best computers with a moveable arm to move my monitor all around and the fridge full of yummy drinks, our faithful leader has gotten us a pool table.

it’s so cool.

What surprises me most is the negativity pervading this place. So many people unhappy with it.

How can you be unhappy with a POOL TABLE? Even if you’re not into pool, its still pretty damn sweet to have the big boss surprise your office with a pool table. I think its great and I’m very pleased to be working where I do.

Also, its been a busy day filled with meetings and work and typing and emails and so many things going on.

And John is having a mini cheeseburger buffet tonight, which is about as good as it gets.

My Chicagoist peeps and I have been having discussions on MY most influential book “The Fountainhead”. You either hate it, love it, or can’t finish it, but I love it. It’s changed my life, no doubt about it.

I would go into it but I can’t, cause I’m to busy!

Now I have two things I need to talk about on my blog.

Oh, and I’m getting a digital camera so I can post pics too. Neat huh?

I’m finally moving into the new millennium.


Anonymous said...

Well, I think it sounds like a great place to work!
BTW- I think your blog still says that you are "painfully bored at work"- is that still true, or is that left over from your old job?

Hixx said...

Ah Anony!

You are correct, I shall change it.

Anonymous said...

He he- it's really me, Meredith.
I enjoy reading your blog!

Hixx said...

Meredith you sneak!

Glad to see you're reading!

Hope things are good.