Thursday, April 20, 2006

Nuthin much

Wow, things are crazy around here.

Now granted, I’ve only been at my job since September, but the ladies I work with have been in their spaces for roughly 8 years. So this move is something else.

Our new space is lovely, open, with brand new fancy furniture and huge computer screens, the whole she-bang, but moving always sucks. Always.

This is no exception.

Anyway, it’ll be over eventually and until then, at least the days are flying by.

In fact, their flying by so fast, I haven’t really had a chance to stop and think about them. Remo is a handful, but what a handful he is.

Last night we took him to Wiggly Field, the dog park, and we were both slightly nervous. We’ve seen some “alpha” from our fine pup, and were a little worried he would bark and yell. But I’ve never seen a dog so happy to be with other dogs, he was running and playing and jumping, no barking, lots of tail wagging. He really had the best time ever, and it was fun to watch.

Also, he’s learning his tricks pretty well, and is learning to heel as best as he can without even being trained yet. He is

And he’s sleeping through the night, which is a god-send of course.

So here’s to Spring, here’s to being busy, here’s to working and moving and working out and puppies and Survivor (!) and walking and running and all that crazy stuff.


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